General membership meetings are held five times per year:

September, November, January, March, May

 on the second Monday of the month (unless otherwise advised)

The guild is planning to keep to our regular schedule of General Meetings. We will continue to meet virtually, via Zoom, and we are considering how and when to organize hybrid in person and virtual meetings so that those who live near and far can attend and participate. We hope that  you will enjoy the fun instruction we have planned!

As they say…Zoom is the next best thing to being there!  

Stay tuned to your e-mail or to this page for more information. 


The next General Meeting of Atlanta Friends of the Alphabet will be on

Monday, May 12, 7 - 9 pm EST
via Zoom

with guest presenter 

Heather Held 

Nordic Lace Flourished Snowflakes (demonstration)

Inspired by Scandinavian and Nordic folk art and knitting motifs we will utilize delicate pointed pen flourishes in our lacey designs. Like snowflakes, each pointed pen flourish is unique and one of a kind. Enjoy the peaceful process of watching these snowflakes grow and sparkle on the page. These designs look beautiful on medium blue, navy or black cardstock with bleed proof white.

Meeting details are sent to members via e-mail!



Meetings consist of a social hour followed by a short meeting and program.

Social time: 7:00-7:30 pm (Please feel free to bring a snack to share)

7:30 pm Short Business meeting and Program


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