Our purpose “promote the interchange of ideas, techniques, and designs of letters and their application.” |
Our membership contains professional calligraphers, talented practitioners, and rank beginners. Some have found calligraphy a creative outlet; others have discovered an enthralling hobby. Some have found a place to belong; others, a place for escape. Many of us are artists in other disciplines - printers, bookbinders, graphic artists, designers, writers, and students - and some are simply observers who like what they see.
The guild sponsors workshops throughout the year taught by nationally and internationally renowned instructors. FotA members receive discounted fees for these classes.
Members are also invited to participate in exhibits, craft and art shows, and special events relating to the calligraphic arts. We offer members access to an extensive collection of calligraphy and lettering related books, DVDs, and other media through our Library.
Please accept this open invitation to attend our next meeting. The Atlanta Friends of the Alphabet meets on the second Monday of the following months: September, November, January, March, and May at the address below, unless otherwise noted on the "Meetings" page. Programs at the meetings include lectures, demonstrations, mini-exhibits, hands-on work, and panel discussion. Informal social gatherings are held in July and December.
$24 New Georgia Resident Membership Level
$28 New US (non-Georgia) Resident Membership Level
$34 New International Membership Level
If you would like more information about our guild, please e-mail: atlcalligraphyguild@gmail.com